Best Guinea Pig Cage For 2 – Review

So you have two guinea pigs. That’s Great!

Guinea pigs are cute little animals that are often kept as pets. They are also very social creatures who enjoy being around other guinea pigs. If you want to get a pet guinea pig, then you should consider buying a cage that has enough space for them to live comfortably.

A guinea pig cage is basically a small enclosure where they can move around freely. The size of the cage depends on the type of guinea pig you plan to purchase. There are two types of cages: wire or plastic. Wire cages are usually smaller than their plastic counterparts.

Wire cages are generally cheaper than plastic ones. Plastic cages are usually larger than their wire counterparts. Both types of cages come in various sizes. The ideal cage size for a guinea pig is between 30cm x 40cm.

Whether you bought these two guinea pigs together or decided to give one of your guineas a companion, I applaud you. Guinea pigs love company and while at the initial stage there can be some issues with dominance and territory (read the article here) in the long run, a guinea pig friend will positively contribute to your guinea pigs well being!

So now you need a guinea pig cage for 2 guinea pigs. What is the best guinea pig cage for 2?

Too busy to read the whole guide? Here is our top pick:

Wooden Guinea Pig Cage For Two


Guinea pigs do need their space and an environment that they can explore and play around in. Just take a look at one of our reader’s submissions of his guinea pig cage that will easily fit two guinea pigs.

Building the best guinea pig cage for two guinea pigs by yourself can take a lot of time, however. So I have gone ahead and found my best recommendations in terms of what will most suit two guinea pigs.

Things That I Considered When Choosing A Guinea Pig Cage For 2

  • Space – Space is key, especially when it comes to a guinea pig cage that will be large enough for two guinea pigs. Spacious guinea pig cages are always preferable to cramped ones.
  • Price – You don’t want to go too cheap, nor do you want to spend your life savings on a guinea pig cage so I have kept this in mind in terms of my recommendations. 
  • Material – Guinea pigs love to gnaw on things as it is a natural way to wear their teeth down. You want to make sure that any of the cage materials are not going to potentially harm your little guy if he or she does decide to chew on the cage.
  • Weight – Nothing over 100 pounds! I’m just kidding, but seriously, I’ll keep them as light as possible ;).
  • Look – Only the most stylish. 

Guinea Pig Cages for 2 Reviewed

1. Lovupet Outdoor Guinea Pig Cage For Two 

This is by far and away in mind the best guinea pig cage for two. However, even if this were for one guinea pig, I would still wholeheartedly endorse this product. What you will find is that a lot of these cages were initially designed for rabbits. This makes them even more suitable for guinea pigs, just based on the size difference between the two animals.

Anyway, let’s get into it

Space: This Guinea Pig cage is much more spacious than most. With two stories, this cage will easily suit two guinea pigs and give them room to explore and for them to play with any toys you end up buying them. The ramp between the levels also provides really nice access and even a little bit of exercise.

Price: This is definitely not the most expensive guinea pig cage you could buy but it is pretty reasonably priced for what you get. 

Material – So this is something that really sells this cage for me and makes it a clear winner as far as my recommendations go. Constructed using premium natural fir wood and painted with eco-friendly waterproof non-toxic varnish, you can leave this cage outside with minimal damage and no risk of your guinea pig ingesting toxic chemicals. The paint provides a much-needed extra layer of waterproof and anti-corrosion material as well as a level of UV protection. Obviously, over time, the elements will take their toll on the cage, but this guinea pig house will more than likely outlive your guinea pig. 

Weight – Okay, 48 pounds is not light, I’ll admit it. But in the grand scheme of guinea pig cages for two, this is actually pretty light. Just make sure you assemble this cage close to where you want it to stay (less moving it around that way. 

Look – It just has that nice natural finish and looks that I love. It allows the cage to blend into its’ environment very nice and helps it become part of its surrounding environment.

2. Lovupet Guinea Pig House

So this cage is, aesthetically, a bit different from the other large guinea pig houses I have recommended. The white is definitely a steer away from the traditional pine finish but I think, with the right setting, these cages can fit nicely into your home (there are multiple styles you can choose from). There is a feeding trough which you can use BUT keep in mind, this will be exposed to the elements so either don’t use it if you are leaving the cage outside or keep the cage undercover as the food will get wet!

On top of this, there are actually two removable trays on the bottom of the cage that makes cleaning just that much easier.

If you are interested in an article about cage cleaning techniques, check it out here!

Space: This cage is definitely more spacious than most. This two-floored structure allows for a lot of movement, compartmentalization of areas, i.e play area, feeding area, and sleeping area, and enough space to make sure your guinea pigs are not cramped

Material: Unlike fir pine, this cage is made using solid pine wood which contributes to a much sturdier and ridged structure within the cage. The wood has been treated with an anti-fungal coating which is great for the life span of the product but not the best for your guinea pig. There is slight waterproofing on the roof due to the asphalt coating but I would still recommend keeping the cage undercover if you live in a particularly rainy area. 

Weight: In my experience, Lovupet guinea pigs’ cages for two are pretty heavy, and coming in at 52 pounds this is no exception. As mentioned above, I would simply recommend assembling the product close to where you want to place it. That just saves you having to haul a big heavy cage around your garden or house. 

Look: The cage does come in a natural pine look, similar to my previous two recommendations as well as some other nice coatings.  So my example is certainly not the be all end all option. 

3. Aivituvin Guinea Pig Cage

What I like about this cage is that it allows your guinea pig to have contact with the actual earth and ground. This allows you to A) save money on guinea pig bedding (check out my bedding article here) and B) save time on an otherwise pretty labor-intensive task.

I would say this is as small as you should go in regards to a guinea pig cage for two guinea pigs. It’s just big enough for activities and allows for parts of the cage to be removed if you want to give your guinea pigs free reign.

Space: As mentioned above, this isn’t the most spacious guinea pig cage but it does get the job done. If you are intending on unscrewing parts of the cage to extend your guinea pigs’ territory then it is more than sufficient. 

Price: This cage is right in the mid-range in regards to pricing. They do offer a payment plan if this is a bit too much upfront money, so keep that in mind 🙂

Material: The cage has been made using Fir construction. For those that don’t know fir is a type of pine. Unfortunately, I do not know what type of coating they use on the cage in terms of paints and finishings. If this is a big concern for you, which it is for me, then I would stick with the Lovupet Cage. The roof is waterproof on this cage which means it can withstand a bit more when it comes to the elements.

Look: Not the ugliest guinea pig cage for two and not the prettiest. In my mind, this would suit someone who is looking at placing the cage a bit more out of the way and where the design isn’t a huge factor in their purchase decision 

Weight: At 30 pounds, this is easily the lightest cage suitable for two guinea pigs I have come across. 

4. Petsfit Guinea Pig Cage

This is my favorite cage by Petsfit, just due to its unique look. I love the little flower pots on the outside, and this is obviously customizable. The asphalt roof is also a definite plus just in terms of weatherproofing.

Space: So this is certainly in the middle in terms of the space range. Not a whole lot of space, enough for some toys and food, but not too little so as to make your guinea pigs feel cramped.

Price: This is the most expensive cage I will recommend in this article. In my mind, the reason for this price tag is largely due to the design and layout of the cage rather than its durability. But, if you are after something unique, then this is certainly the way to go!

Material: You probably can’t tell, but the cage is made using treated cedar. In my opinion, treated cedar or any treated wood for that matter isn’t the best option just in case your guinea pig ends up chewing the wood. However, if you notice that your guinea pigs have not been the chewy type or if you provide them with some chew toys, this shouldn’t be an issue. The paint is a water-based solution as well which is safer than any chemical or oil-based paints.

Weight: 79 pounds… yeah it’s heavy. 

Look: Once again, it’s pretty unique and cool looking with a degree of customizability as well. This is where that extra price increase comes into play.

5. PetsFits Indoor Rabbit Hutch

This cage was initially designed for rabbits and inexperience it suits two guinea pigs perfectly.

Space: This is not the most spacious guinea pig cage you will come across, so I would really recommend you interact with your guinea pigs as much as possible if you are considering this option. Let them run around, play with them and keep them entertained.

Price: This is actually the cheapest cage I have recommended. You are getting some pretty good value for money, minus all the bells and whistles a more expensive cage may offer.

Material: The wood used in the cage is Cedar that has been coated with water-based paint (better for your guinea pigs). There is metal wiring on the outside (as you can see… DUH 😉 ) which won’t be a problem in regards to chewing.

Weight: Coming in at about 32 pounds, this is a pretty lightweight guinea pig cage.

Look: I have definitely seen more stylish cages out there but once again, you get what ya pay for. In my opinion, I would go ahead and paint the white over with a nice darker green or brown, but once again, it’s all personal preference. 

These guys also offer a nice 30-day warranty as well. So if there are any initial leaks or problems, just send the cage back and you will get your money refunded.

Those are my recommendations for the best guinea pig cages for two…

Just some things to keep in mind: I would really consider the placement of your guinea pig cage just in regards to the outdoors or indoors. Certain guinea pig cages are more suited for indoor environments while others, just due to their materials, coatings and general framework, are more suited for the outdoor elements.

Outdoor cages with an asphalt roof are really good in terms of making them last outside but sometimes the shingles can be made from cheap materials so keep an eye out for that.

Size Matters

Ultimately, size is the most important factor here. This is where your guinea pig is going to spend most of its time, so just make sure that the time spent is spent well. You don’t need the largest cage in the world, but feel free to add some toys here and there, and always keep your guinea stocked with enough food and water! No one likes to be bored.

The Bigger, The Better

Guinea pigs need lots of room to run around. They love to climb and jump. In order to exercise, they need a large enclosure with plenty of toys. Their eyesight is poor, and they’re prone to eye infections. They should be kept away from cats and dogs because they might get scratched or bitten. Guinea pigs need a lot of space to run around and enjoy themselves. Their cages should be big enough to accommodate this activity. Experts say that a minimum size of 7.5 square feet per guinea pig is ideal. But if you can afford more room, your guinea pig is going to be happy! Guinea pigs love running around and exploring. Their habitats should be large enough so that they can move about freely. Guinea pigs require high-quality food to stay healthy.

What is the Best Guinea Pig Cage?

Guinea Pigs should be kept in a comfortable environment. They shouldn’t be locked up in tiny spaces. They should have access to fresh air and plenty of space for them to move around. Their cages should also be easy to clean and safe to use. This feature allows for easy care and maintenance while providing protection for your pet’s sensitive feet at the same time. A good carrier size for an adult guinea pig is around 19 (length) x 12 (width) x 12 (height) inches. 

In conclusion, the best guinea pig cages for 2 are the ones that have a lot of space and plenty of accessories. The cages we listed are all great options, and we hope our readers will find the perfect one for their needs. Thanks for reading!

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